One Night at Edoy Net

I looked at my esia. 05.50 pm. The dark began to cover the sky. I opened the door and got in. The atmosphere was silent. A number of personal computers were spread over the small room. Yeah…, it’s Edoy Net, the internet shop on Kukusan Teknik, Depok. Only a few people who were on-line. The operator asked me to choose a computer.

“Eeh…, my friend is up there,” I told her while stepping up the ladder.

At the corner, Togi, my friend, had already turned the computer on. At haphazard, there was also another of my classmate, Sisca. Anyway, why where we there? In brief, it was about our assignments, MIS (Management Information System).

Knowledge Management –That’s the phrase I typed on the Google Search tab. A list of articles emerged. I opened one on the new tab and read it.

Click ! I moved to another article and kept on reading.

At the same time, I signed in to gmail. nicholas.ti06 and ******. Exactly, I filled my ID as well as the password in the provided tab.


Honestly, I’m not willing to elaborate this stuff any further (sigh).

Besides, someone sent me a message via Yahoo Messenger. It was the right time. Thank you, Ce ;-)

At that moment, we three worked together to accomplish our assignments. (Thanks a lot, fella \^.^/ ) It was nice since we keep talking while searching.

Second after second. Minute after minute. Oh my gosh ! Rp 9250,- was displayed on the billing board. It meant I have been on-line for approximately two hours. We decided to sign off since we haven’t got any meal for dinner.

“Oh, how come? There isn’t any billing board on my desktop,” Sisca said while looking at the computer.

“Never mind. Just ask the operator. Gi, please go to her before the number getting rise,ha,” I answered them.

(Guys, you both know, I won’t share our funny story of this part. Ha, Let it become a memory of pleasure ^.^d)

We stepped down the ladder. By paying the fee made us free to leave the Edoy Net. Finally, we had a nice dinner together. Even though the day was over, the memory will stick on my brain forever.


  1. Sisca Pratiwi said...
    Oh.. so sweet... diinget terus ya? Haha... Yang lucunya ditulis dong ah..
    are_she_hahaha said...
    Nicho..when I read ur sad story (hikz...), I was so surprised that you really used English on it, just like what U said yesterday. And the shocking news, you wrote in high class vocabularies...
    Alvin Kusuma said...
    Hmm, great english dude

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